Good morning! I hope you have had a wonderful weekend and that your week is off to a great start.
This past week has been a difficult week for me, because I have been through a time of “Divine” correction. There are times in our lives when God has to wake us up from our stupor so that He can move us away from the things that are a hindrance in our lives. For me, this correction from the Lord dealt with the issues of living in the fullness of God’s power.
It is so easy for us at times to get wrapped up in things that don’t matter. We become distracted to the point of indifference and ineffectiveness. God, however, has a greater plan for our lives, for our home and for our churches. God intends for us to live our lives with focused passion and in the fullness of His strength, relying not upon ourselves, but fully on Him.
I want to share with you the following verse about the correction of our Heavenly Father:
I am the one who corrects and disciplines everyone I love. Be diligent and turn from your indifference.
Even in the midst of God’s discipline, I find comfort in the fact that God disciplines me, because He loves me. I can remember a similar sentiment coming from my own dad as a kid. Of course at the time I didn’t believe him, but I look back and see that his discipline was most certainly out of love for me. My dad was interested in the type of person I would become, and so he disciplined me accordingly.
God is also interested in my personhood. He wants to see my life become a pure and blameless vessel through which His presence is seen. God wants my church to truly reflect the majesty of His Son, Jesus. In fact this verse is actually written to a church, God wanted them not to be complacent, mediocre or lukewarm….He wanted them focused.
The great thing about the Lord’s hand of correction is that it is followed by sweet and intimate fellowship. When we yield our will to His and turn from the errors of our ways, we experience a closeness that makes it all worthwhile. Look at the next verse:
"Look! Here I stand at the door and knock. If you hear me calling and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal as friends.
You become like the people you spend time with. When there is intimacy with Jesus, your life becomes a reflection of His majesty. You begin to live in His power. Your life begins to change. You pray differently, relate differently, care differently and your life bears evidence of divine power at work.
This week allow God to examine the condition of your heart. If you are facing His loving correction, be thankful that He cares enough to discipline. Accept his loving discipline and look forward with expectancy to the intimate fellowship that follows.
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.