Good morning! I hope you’ve had a great weekend and that your week is off to a running start.
Today I am preparing to head out to the woods with some friends for a few days of camping. I look forward to these opportunities to get away. These retreats give me the opportunity to turn off my cell phone & email, to decompress, dream, pray and rest.
We live in a day and age where constant activity is the norm. Even when we take days off, we still work ourselves ragged. For people like me who lean to the workaholic side of the scale, we even give up what should be our sleeping hours for a few more hours of productivity.
Unfortunately, we allow ourselves to get so busy that we lose sight of what is most important. As a pastor, I find that there are times when I get so busy doing “God’s work” that I neglect my relationship with God. I have at times found myself so busy doing ministry that I didn’t take time to be still and listen to God’s voice. I’ve seen other times when I’ve loaded my schedule with meetings and ministry activities, but didn’t build in time for God’s word.
So how did Jesus do it? When the crowds were pressing in and everyone wanted his attention, how did he keep first things first? Here is a great example:
The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray.
Jesus knew the demands that would be placed upon him, so he planned accordingly. Instead of grabbing a few extra minutes of sleep, Jesus instead arose early and headed out to a secluded place. Jesus knew that he could not focus on intimacy with God, if he was being bombarded by demands and distractions. So Jesus went to a place in which he could slow down and focus his full attention on God. There were no other conversations to manage, no unplanned visitors, no urgent phone calls…only quality time seeking the heart of His Father.
This week, I encourage you to steal away for some quality time with your Heavenly Father. Find a place of seclusion and quiet. Go expectantly, seeking an intimate encounter with him and prepare to be refreshed.
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.