Monday, August 27, 2007
A New Chapter
Today is the first day of school in Corpus Christi. But in our home today is also a day of milestones. For my oldest son, Christopher, it is the first day of his senior year in high school. For my youngest, Caitlyn, it is the first day of kindergarten. For my wife, Carol, it is the first time in 10 years that there has not been a little one at home with her all day.
Milestones, we all experience them in our life. Losing our first tooth, our first kiss, our first job, our first car, graduation from high school, our wedding, the birth of our first child and the list goes on. Milestones can be occasion for both joy and sorrow. Most importantly they signify the beginning of a new chapter in life, bringing the last chapter to a close.
So how do we respond to these milestones in our lives? For me the starting point is always a time of saying “thank you” unto God.
Philippians 1:3 (NLT)
Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.
Today as I watched my own children, I was reminded that my parents went through these same stages with me, as did their parents with them. I am thankful that they guided me through those stages of life, that they celebrated my victories, corrected my errors and defined the boundaries for the game of life. As I watch my own children I see God’s hand upon their lives in spite of my own shortcomings, and I see Him molding their hearts and lives in accordance with His purpose.
I am thankful for the privilege I have been given of watching these young lives grow. I can vividly remember the day I first laid eyes on each one as they entered this world. I have watched them grow in stature, knowledge and faith. There is no greater privilege or responsibility than being God’s vessel in the life of a child.
It is important to remember at these times of transition, that the journey is far from over; however our roles are changing. Today I find myself acknowledging, that even though I am still a parent, I have allowed others to be a part of my team. Teachers, coaches and other professionals will work along side of my wife and I to bring out the fullness of the potential contained within my children.
Today you may find yourself at the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. Embrace the change as part of greater plan woven together by a Master Creator. Thank God for the privilege He has given you of these experiences and milestones. Through you, God is writing another highly acclaimed story.
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Implementing the Plan
This weekend those of us on the Gulf coast of Texas have been keeping a watchful eye on Hurricane Dean. This storm has been churning for well over a week now with very little standing in its way. The local news has been reminding us daily to have our hurricane evacuation and survival plans in place and ready to implement.
These plans have been well developed by people who are experts in hurricane activity and destruction. These plans are time tested and proven. If a person will commit to following those plans, they can ensure the safety of themselves and their families.
Sadly many people die each year during natural disasters, because they fail to follow the plan. Some have false confidence in their surroundings. Others have no respect for the true danger. Ultimately foolish choices are often the greatest factor in loss of life.
The spiritual realm is also filled with hazards. Fortunately for us, God has developed a master plan for our eternal wellbeing:
Ephesians 1:5 (NLT)
His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. And this gave him great pleasure.
Just like the weather warnings, we all have a choice. Will we follow God’s plan for our lives or will we “chance it.” So many today are trying to make it into God’s good graces through religious acts or good deeds, when sadly, God has already put His adoption plan in place. If only we would follow His instructions, for they are the pathway to life.
This week take time to review God’s plan once again. Have you implemented His plan into your life?
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Its OK to ask for help
Today my oldest son Christopher will be trying out for the position of trumpet section leader in his high school’s marching band. Ever since his freshman year, he has aspired to become the lead trumpet player for his section. This being his senior year, Christopher went an extra step and asked for help. Now Christopher didn’t ask just anyone, but he instead approached a trumpet playing high school band director who goes to our church. Christopher allowed himself to become the student to this more experienced teacher.
This example brought me to the following verse from Proverbs:
Proverbs 19:20 (NLT)
Get all the advice and instruction you can, and be wise the rest of your life.
Asking for help, most of us need it and few of us ask for it. Life is filled with many challenges, difficulties and new experiences, yet Solomon himself declared:
Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NLT)
History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.
Where ever it is you are going or whatever it is you are going through, someone has been down a similar path before. Sadly too many of us would rather reinvent the wheel instead of admitting that we need some help and guidance. Think of the mistakes we could have avoided, if we had just asked for some help and guidance. Sadly, our pride keeps us from admitting we don’t have all the answers.
Today, I want to challenge you to willingly accept the role of pupil. Seek out those you can learn from and those who are further along in the journey of life. Let them tell you the stories of their experience. Let them look over your shoulder as you wade through life’s decisions. In the long run you’ll be better because of their input. Their wisdom and insight will help you sharpen your skills and make you the best at what you do.
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.
Monday, August 06, 2007
It gets everywhere
Good morning! I hope you were able to recharge your batteries this weekend.
Friday evening, I accompanied our youth group to the beach for their monthly First Friday get together. I love going to the beach and being around the water. While the teenagers played football and swam, I went fishing in the surf.
When it was time to head home, I tried to clean the sand off of my feet. Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to get all of the sand off, and so the floorboard of my truck now looks like a miniature beach.It is along these lines that I want to challenge you with today’s encouragement.
Galatians 5:9 (NLT)
But it takes only one wrong person among you to infect all the others—a little yeast spreads quickly through the whole batch of dough!
Today I want you to consider the influences in your life. Have you ever noticed how quickly a negative person can affect an entire group of people? A little gossip becomes an ever increasing murmur and then a divisive roar.
When we allow negative influences into our lives it is nearly impossible not to be affected in some way. Just like the sand of the beach, some of the negativity is going to stick to you.
Fortunately we have a choice. We can choose those things that we allow ourselves to be exposed to. Let me explain this further. If I didn’t want sand in my truck I simply needed to avoid the beach. The same rule applies to life. I don’t have to become a part of the gossip sessions. I don’t have to allow those who are always negative to become my closest confidants. I have a choice…to stay or walk away.
This week you will be faced with choices. Will you allow yourselves to remain in situations in which negativity attaches itself to you, or will you remove yourself from those influences? Fortunately, the reverse thought is also true. Placing yourself in a positive, nurturing environment will rub off as well. The choice is yours.
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.