Good morning! I hope you enjoyed your extended Memorial Day weekend.
Memorial Day is a time when our nation stops to pay tribute to those men and women who have given their lives to defend our nation and its interests. These men and women answered the call of duty placing themselves in harm’s way to ensure that we continue to enjoy the freedoms that the founders of our nation fought so hard to achieve.
Jesus spoke to this issue of selfless sacrifice in the 15th chapter of John:
John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. (NASB)
Today we focus on those military men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice, but what about others that put it all on the line for you. As I reflect back over my lifetime, I see many who laid down their lives for me. I had parents who gave up their time, their resources and their personal aspirations to make sure I had a nurturing home to grow up in. I had teachers who gave up a few extra moments at the end of their day to make sure I fully understood a concept that had been taught. I had pastors, Sunday school teachers and youth leaders who gave of themselves to help me build strong foundations. This is just a short list…I could name many more.
Of course Jesus was the greatest example of this very concept. Jesus willingly laid down His life so that we would not have to face the righteous judgment of God for our sinful choices. Our eternal freedom was bought on a wooden cross as Jesus allowed the sin of man to be heaped upon His shoulders. His reason for doing it…love. Jesus made this choice because of His unwavering love for you and me.
Today, I want to challenge you to reflect for a few moments on those who willingly laid down their lives for you. Whose sacrifice has helped shape you into the man or woman that you are today? Secondarily, take time to consider who it is that you need to lay your life on the line for? Your sacrifice today may be the very thing that ensures their success in the years to come.
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.