Monday, January 26, 2009

Trusting Without Understanding

For the last few months Carol and I have been looking for a new place to live. Each time we thought we had our answer we would go down that trail, only to find a dead end. As the clock counted down to our moving day this coming weekend, we found our stress level getting a little higher with each new day. As we would pray over our housing situation, the Lord seemed to always lead us back to these two verses:

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NASB)
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight

Every time we would hear these verses we would see so many different ways it could be applied to our search, but we just weren’t getting any further clarity on where we needed to be looking.

A few weeks ago, my business partner asked me if I would consider living in a mobile home and he even went so far as to go on a fact finding mission for me at a local mobile home park. As doors continued to close in front of Carol and I we decided to explore this option. Last Thursday night Carol and the kids toured several parks, but came away without a real sense of peace about any of the trailers they looked at. This past Friday, was our last real day to look at housing options, so we decided to go back to one of the parks after looking at some houses this morning that just didn’t fit our needs.

Carol showed me the trailer she had viewed the night before, but both of us came away with the same sense that this particular trailer wasn’t our answer either. As we were driving away, she pointed out an attractive double-wide that was for sale by owner at the far end of the trailer park. We called the number on the sign, and low and behold they were home (I must warn you, there is a twist in the unfolding of events…you haven’t solved the case yet Sherlock Holmes). We went inside and met the owners who were moving due to the husband’s terminal illness and his need for in home care. As I looked around, the trailer was nice, but there were large gaps between the two halves of the trailer and part of the ceiling was breaking away.

Carol and I left, dumbfounded and asking ourselves “now what?” As we were driving away, the phone rang. It was the wife from the trailer we had just been in. She told Carol that her sister, who had been at the trailer when we were there, had a house on Padre Island that had been wrecked by the previous tenants. She said that if we were willing to paint and clean carpets she would be willing to reduce the rental. As we turned back around, I told Carol: “this sounds like a God thing taking shape.”

When we returned to the trailer, we were met by the sister of the trailer owner’s wife. She jumped in the van and said, “Let me show you the house.” As we drove towards Padre Island, we learned that her husband had passed away a couple of years ago and that she didn’t want to live there anymore. She said the previous tenants had ruined the carpets and the walls, requiring a lot of elbow grease.

When we arrived, we found a 4 bedroom brick home with a pool and ample space for our house church ministry. The work needed was primarily clean up and cosmetic. When I asked her what she wanted for rent, she named a figure in our price range. When I asked her what the work was worth, she indicated that it was worth at least one month’s rent, but she also stated her need for some rental income from it. I told her what we were currently paying and asked her if we could pay her that same amount for February and March, discounting for the clean up work. We agreed to begin paying the full rental amount in April. She suggested we put it in writing, so on a notepad we drew up those terms and she handed us the key. No pet deposit, no rental deposit and just what we needed when we need it.

God being the loving Father that He is, went far above what we needed. We are now 3 blocks from my favorite fishing spot, I have a place to exercise daily with my favorite activity…swimming! And by positioning us on the Island, our ministry now has placement in 3 key areas of Corpus Christi.

These past few months have been a practical exercise in not leaning on our own understanding. This housing scenario could not have been designed by us on our best day. Maybe today you find yourself in the middle of a lengthy search for answers. Your best guesses and efforts are falling short. I encourage you to let go of the wheel and watch where God takes you. You may find that the answer had never even crossed your mind.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Loving Your Enemy

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend.

Last night I was watching the AFC Championship Game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Baltimore Ravens. Late in the game there was a devastating hit between a Steelers’ player and a Ravens’ player. The Ravens’ player laid motionless on the ground for a number of minutes and was ultimately placed on a stretcher and carted off of the field.

In football the rivalry between the Steelers and Ravens is generally described in these terms: “A bitter rivalry” or “these two teams hate each other.” Anytime these two rivals play, the energy level increases and the players dig a little deeper for every hit. In a game as big as the conference championship, no one holds back; yet, last night as a wounded warrior lay motionless on the field of battle, rivalry was set aside and compassion took over. All around the injured athlete, members of both teams gathered, many dropping to one knee with heads bowed. As I watched the scene unfold on my television screen, my mind went to the following admonition from Jesus:

Matthew 5:43-44 (NASB)
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, and hate your enemy.’
44 “But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you

Last night on that ball field, every athlete took pause with the realization that it could have been them lying motionless out on the turf. Life has a funny way of bringing us back to the simple truth that we are not as strong as we often think we are.

Times like these allow us to see our own frailties and shortcomings. Our first impulse may be to celebrate the misfortune of our rival, but soon enough we find ourselves remembering our own vulnerability, past injury or current challenges. Many times God has allowed me to watch my opponents stumble, only to use their fall as a reminder to me that the ground is level at the foot of the cross. What I mean by that statement is this: When it comes to being worthy of God’s favor, love and blessing…I am totally undeserving. In fact, I no more deserve than anyone else, no matter how bad their life and actions may seem to me. The only reason I am even a recipient of His goodness and grace, is because of the price Jesus paid, something I had no part in to begin with.

Having this realization, makes it much easier to endure those who adversaries in my life. Recognizing that from God’s perspective, we are equally in need of His grace and mercy, allows me to switch from adversary to advocate. I find myself bowing my head to pray for the needs of my greatest rivals.

Today you may be in the midst of the greatest battle of your career, education, or even life. Take time today to pray for the well-being of those who battle against you, because chances are the battle will expose their frailties as much as it will expose yours.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Trusting Your Guide

Good morning! I hope you had a terrific weekend.

Last week I went on a deep sea fishing charter in the Gulf of Mexico with my wife. After 2 hours of travelling across the water, our captain brought the boat to a stop and told us to let our lines out 80-90 feet.

Within a matter of moments the words “fish on” were heard up and down the deck. Fishing rods were seen bending and bouncing as our enthusiastic group of amateur anglers began reeling in their catch. Before long large game fish were seen coming out of the water and onto the deck. Before the day was over we had reached our limit of King Mackerel and Atlantic Sharpnose Shark.

The success of the trip had nothing to do with our skill, ingenuity or hard work. The real determinant of our productivity was the wisdom of our charter captain. He was the one who knew the waters, the behavior of the fish and the right fishing techniques. Without his guidance the outcome of our journey would have been much different. Our day to day lives are really not that different either.

John 21:6 (NASB)
And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you will find a catch .” They cast therefore, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish.

In many ways our success in life is more about our dependency upon the Lord’s direction and less about our talents. When we trust His guidance to the right prospect, conversation or client, we see our efforts multiplied exponentially. Unfortunately, too many times we become overly confident in our own skills and abilities. We assume we have grown beyond the need for guidance, only to find in the lean times, that we need guidance more than ever.

Because God sees the past, present and future, he has perspective that you and I do not. He sees the storms, the mountains and valleys that affect our journey. He knows where the bounty is located and how to grab hold of it. Our only responsibility is to follow his lead. It is when we trust in him with all of our heart, leaning not on our own understanding, that we experience the limits of his abundance.

This week you may be wondering why the journey is taking so long. You may be unsure of why you have been given the tools that are currently in your hand. It is at these times that you rely upon the wisdom of God as your guide, knowing that he is leading you to the fullness of his blessing.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


Monday, January 05, 2009

Remembering the Covenant

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend.

This week is an exciting week for my wife and me. On Wednesday we will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. Each year on our anniversary we go away by ourselves to reflect on our journey, dream for the future and remind ourselves of the covenant made on January 7, 1989.

Over the last 20 years things have changed. My hair no longer hangs down to my shoulders, nor does it completely cover the top of my head. My waistline left the 30’s years ago and now lives in the 40’s. Carol and I are no longer referred to as that “precious” newlywed couple, but instead we are “mom and dad” to three children ages 7 to 18. 20 years ago I sold water softeners in Wichita, KS today I plant churches and encourage pastors around the world.

Indeed, many things have changed over these 20 years, but one thing remains constant…the covenant. On that blustery day in January of 1989, Carol and I stood before God and man, pledging our commitment to one another through the covenant relationship of marriage. In that covenant we spelled out the lengths we would go to in expressing our undying love for one another. Words like “for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part” were used to define this covenant.

God established covenants throughout scripture. They are His promises to His people. Our very redemption at the cross of Christ is the embodiment of our covenant relationship with God. It is no wonder that God was constantly instructing us to remember His covenants.

1 Chronicles 16:15
Remember His covenant forever, The word which He commanded to a thousand generations

When my wife and I stood at the altar 20 years ago to exchange vows and make our covenant with God and one another, the only thing we could see was love and happiness. Eventually life brought the twists, turns, hardships and triumphs that we all face, turning the euphoria of getting married into the daily challenge of making it through another day. It is during the ups and downs of life that we often forget why we entered into that covenant in the first place. Each wedding anniversary becomes a regular time of remembrance that allows us to go back to day 1. In fact, we often will pull out the aging video tape of our wedding ceremony and reception to help relive the moment.

Taking time to remember the covenants of God remind us why we need those covenants to begin with. So often we get caught up in the crisis of the moment and forget the miraculous provisions of the past. It is only when we take the time to remember and reflect that we once again reconnect with the strength that is needed to face the challenges of today.

This week I encourage you to take some time to reflect and remember the promises of God for your life. Pull out the old photo albums, the long forgotten diary and remember where those promises have taken you over the years and gain strength for the places those promises will take you in the years to come.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.
