Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend.
Over the weekend, the most famous pitchman in America passed away. Billy Mays was the king of infomercials, having made a name for himself by passionately extolling the virtues of numerous household products. Before any of us knew Billy’s name we knew him by the products he represented. We would often refer to him as the Oxi-Clean guy or the Mighty Putty guy. We knew Billy, not for who he was, but instead what he represented. Billy knew not only how to talk about, but demonstrate before our eyes the value of his products.
Acts 4:33 (NASB)
And with great power the apostles were giving witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all.
The life of the Christian is also a demonstration. It is the demonstration and revelation of God’s transforming power upon the life of a person. The good news of Jesus has always been God’s ability to transform a life marked by sin, pain, guilt, etc…into a life of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, kindness and self control. A life that once seemed incomplete and weak is now a life marked by divine power.
The early apostles were known for one thing…Jesus. They talked about Jesus, they performed miracles in Jesus’ name and they cared for widows and orphans in Jesus’ name. Everything they did centered upon the transforming message of Jesus Christ. Their testimony was not just a testimony of words, but it was also supported by the demonstration of transformation in their own lives. Peter was a fisherman who denied Jesus in fear, but the power of God transformed him into a fearless spokesman for Jesus. Paul set out to arrest and even put to death followers of Jesus, but his encounter with God transformed him into the greatest missionary for the cause of Christ.
So the question for you today is this: Who are you representing? More importantly, does anyone around you know who you are representing? You have been given the power and authority to boldly represent Jesus at all times and in all places. So go out and demonstrate the changes in your life with confidence and passion, because you are representing the One who cleans lives and leaves them without stain or blemish.
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.