Monday, June 19, 2006

Points of Transition

Good morning! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

A couple of nights ago, my wife and I went for a drive along the Ohio River. We decided to stop at a lock and dam and watch the towboats and barges go through. It was fascinating to watch the process of moving the boats from one level of the river to another. With each transition forward progress stops, while the lock is flooded or drained to raise or lower the level of the boat.

It is with this thought in mind that I would like to talk to you today about those transition points in life. If most of us had a choice we would choose to maintain a level course that doesn’t require change. Unfortunately for us, life is not a smooth level course it comes with a variety of ups and downs. With each change in level comes a time of transition. Sometimes this takes a day or two and other times it goes on for years.

One of the greatest examples of this in the Bible comes from the life of Abraham. God promised to make Abraham the father of a great nation, but it would be nearly 25 years from the time the promise was made until Abraham and Sarah saw the birth of their son Isaac.

Hebrews 6:15 (NLT)

Then Abraham waited patiently, and he received what God had promised.

We know from scripture that the wait wasn’t always easy, transition times rarely are. For a person like me, waiting is sometimes worse than torture, but it is in the waiting that God molds me and prepares me for His purpose in my life. This is where trust and faith must take the lead. God is always faithful to His promises!

Imagine if one of these boat captains got tired of waiting for the lock process and just decided to push forward. It would be a total disaster. The captain would likely lose his vessel and his cargo over the spillway, because he was not ready to push forward safely. When the captain waits for the lock to raise or lower the water to the same level as the river, he can move forward safely without loss of cargo or crew.

Today you may find yourself at a point of transition. I want to encourage you to wait patiently upon the Lord. You will eventually be at the proper place to move forward, but be thankful that God is not allowing you to move forward without his provision for your transition.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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