Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend and that your week is off to a great start.
This past week I had the opportunity to spend a few days camping with friends. During our trip a few of us went tubing down the
Here I am 5 days later regretting that clothing decision. My normally “pastie-white” skin is lobster red and sore to the touch. A few moments in the sun has left me with a painful reminder of bad judgment.
This has me thinking about the fire many of us choose to flirt with. Sin is often very appealing. We are tempted by thoughts of pleasure and gain. We know that the ideas and actions we are entertaining are dangerous, yet we take the risk anyway.
Look at what the following two verses:
Proverbs 6:27-28 (NLT)
Can a man scoop fire into his lap and not be burned? [28] Can he walk on hot coals and not blister his feet?
I know many Christians today who dabble with danger. They take the position that “it could never happen to me” and “no one will ever know.” They assume they can safeguard their soul and that they can manage their weaknesses.
Unfortunately sin leaves a stain and painful consequences. Few people knew I was in the sun with my shirt off last Wednesday. But now, nearly a week later it is painfully obvious. In my lifetime, I have seen time and time again when the hidden sins of man became painfully exposed. In almost every instance, there were plenty of opportunities to change behavior and flee temptation, but the warnings were ignored.
My sunburn could have been easily prevented by either leaving my shirt on or applying sunscreen to my skin. The same is true spiritually. If you will take time to prepare your hearts with time in God’s presence through prayer and Bible study, you will find that the temptations are much easier to avoid and resist.
Today you may find yourself flirting with danger. You continue to dabble in things you know are not beneficial or upright, but you think you can handle it. Remember, sin comes with a price….and the pleasure is not worth the price of the pain that follows.
If this describes you today, ask God to give you the courage to change your direction. Make a commitment to flee the temptation and ask God for the strength to follow through. Immerse yourself in His presence and take pleasure in Him.
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.
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