Good morning! I hope you had an amazing weekend and have hit the ground running this morning. This weekend I was blessed to enjoy some time with my youngest son as we took a tour of the Texas State Aquarium. Those one on one times with each of my children are some of my favorite times.
Over the past two weeks I have had the privilege of leading my church family through a “round table” discussion time as we unpacked everything God had been showing us during our recent 40 days of prayer. It was exciting to see groups of young and old, male and female sharing with one another all that God had been revealing about themselves and about our church. In the end there was a unity of thought and spirit that was unmistakable. It is with this thought that I bring you this morning’s encouragement.
Ephesians 4:1-3 (HCSB)
I, therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, accepting one another in love, diligently keeping the unity of the Spirit with the peace that binds us.
God has created each of us to be unique. There is only one of me; I am not a cookie cutter of anyone else. I have unique gifts, talents and abilities that set me apart. The problem arises though, when I decide that my ideas, direction and passions are the correct ideas, direction and passions for everyone. It is easy to begin to develop this isolationist, “us and them” mentality.
The difference in people is something to be valued and appreciated. Can you imagine going to a symphony concert and only hearing kettle drums play. It might be kind of interesting for a few moments, but at some point it would get annoying. The kettle drum is at its best when it is surrounded and accompanied by the flute, the clarinet, the trumpet, the tuba, the violin and so on.
The introvert needs the extrovert and the leader needs the follower. The communicator needs the doer and the thinker needs the feeler. God has created us to be much like the symphony. We are at our best when we live out the purposes that God has given us to the full extent of our gifts, passions and abilities. When these are combined with those around us who are doing the same, our lives become a beautiful symphony that brings glory to God.
In the end, it is the very Spirit of God that unites us together. It has been said that “the ground is level at the foot of the cross”, simply meaning that we are all equal in the sight of God. No one has greater or less standing, and every life counts.
This week I challenge you to value the diversity of those God has put around you. Their lives bring out the best in you.
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.
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