Monday, February 11, 2008

Critical Decisions

Good morning! I hope your weekend was refreshing.

Many times in our lives we come to critical decisions points. These may be a financial decision, a career decision, a relationship decision or some other issue that has far reaching effects. Some decisions would seem to be “no-brainers”…one outcome has positive implications, while the other outcome has negative implications. The no-brainer decisions would seem to be the easy ones. Other decisions are a little more complicated as both outcomes have positive implications or both outcomes have equally negative implications.

The danger in decision making lies in the basis of those decisions. Let me explain this idea further. There are many decisions facing me these days that would be very easy to justify. These same decisions would also be very easy to spiritualize. What I mean is that I can find a Biblical basis for making a decision one way or the other and on the surface it sounds good. However, let me challenge this thought process with scripture:

2 Samuel 2:1 (NLT)
After this, David asked the Lord, “Should I move back to Judah?”
And the Lord replied, “Yes.”
Then David asked, “Which town should I go to?”
And the Lord replied, “Hebron.”

The Bible shows us that we need to take one step above all others…an inquiry of the Lord and His will for our lives. All too often we settle for what we think is best or what others suggest we should do. Don’t get me wrong these are helpful and often God will use them to help answer the dilemma at hand, but ultimately we need to ask ourselves: “What is God saying to me?”

One of the things I admire about King David is his constant asking of God’s direction in his decisions. It is no wonder that when all was said and done that David was counted as “a man after God’s own heart.”

Today you may find yourself at a point of decision. Your head is full of thoughts; your ears are full of advice and counsel. The real question for you today is this: “What is God saying to you?” I would encourage you to get alone with God …seek His heart on the matter. Stay there until you have a certainty of His answer.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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