Good morning! I hope your Labor Day weekend has been refreshing.
This past Saturday my brother-in-law and I went on a 5 hour fishing charter into the Gulf of Mexico . Our boat captain took us a few miles out from port and had us drift fish next to several large tankers that were anchored in the open water. The open water is an amazing reminder of perspective. Next to one of these massive oil tankers, our fifty foot fishing vessel seemed like a toy in comparison; however, as you drifted away from the tanker and began to see the open water, the tanker itself became somewhat less overwhelming. Before long the tanker was just another small dot on the horizon.
This reminds me of a principle of motion that I learned in school, time = distance. Today’s giant of a problem, may consume your entire field of vision, but with each new day you gain distance. As the days go by, the separation from the enormity of the problem increases. Slowly, but surely the bigger picture begins to come back into view. No longer are you staring at the broadside of an oil tanker, but you are now seeing that oil tanker in the vastness of the Gulf of Mexico . What once seemed insurmountable, now seems somewhat insignificant and ultimately becomes a “mile marker” if you will of a greater journey.
The only problem with the time = distance principle is that it requires patience. Patience does not come naturally for most of us. In fact, patience requires tremendous self control and commitment. It is our hope of better days that fosters this commitment to patience. For me that hope comes from the following promise:
Isaiah 40:31 (NLT)
But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Today you may find yourself staring at the broadside of the most colossal challenge you’ve ever faced. I encourage you to return to the basic principle of motion, time = distance. Put things back in perspective. Today’s problem will be tomorrow’s tale of surviving in the face of impossible odds. As time goes by, that same problem will become next year’s source of strength and encouragement to someone else, or the motivation for you to persevere in the face of another adversity. Don’t get swallowed up by what is directly in front of you, remember at just the right time you will find new strength.
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.
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