Monday, December 08, 2008

Living a Life of Honor

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend and find yourself fully energized today.

One of the things my dad instilled in me growing up was the importance of a good name. I watched him over and over again make choices that were not always the easiest, but were the choices that were honorable. When opportunities were presented to compromise his principles, he always stood his ground on the convictions that were deep within him.

In one of our most memorable conversations before I left home my dad told me: “I may never leave you vast wealth, property or fortune, but I will leave you a good name.” Those words penetrated deep within me and have taken up residence. I have tried diligently to pass this same value of integrity on to my children.

Every day we are bombarded with opportunities to compromise our principles. People ask us to stretch the boundaries or turn the other way. At first glance it may seem harmless enough, but ultimately those compromises have a lingering effect on our character and reputation. The stench of compromise stays around long after the compromise has been made.

It is no wonder that God led the writer of Hebrews to pen these words:

Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a good conscience, desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.

One of the most valuable assets we have is our reputation. A reputation can open doors of opportunity or slam them just as quickly. A reputation may be the difference between advancement and resistance and our reputations move beyond us. Our spouses, children, co-workers, employers and even the God of our faith are labeled by our integrity or lack thereof. It is no wonder that the writer of this verse requested prayer over this issue of honorable conduct.

Today I encourage you to evaluate your own conduct. Would you be described as a man or woman who operates with honor and integrity? Perhaps you find yourself this morning being faced with an opportunity for compromise. Consider the cost, shore up your defenses and remember it is your reputation at stake. Ask God to direct your conduct that you may always be known as a person of honor.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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