Sunday, April 19, 2009

Don't Forget the Cheese

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend.

This weekend our church came together to serve another church. The church we were assisting has a ministry to the homeless and less fortunate in our area. Every Sunday this church meets under a large tent in a vacant lot and serves up Biblical truth, followed by a warm meal.

This weekend it was our turn to prepare the meal, so our leadership decided that these folks were probably sick of spaghetti, so we decided to make chili dogs. Today after church we started our cooking. Hot dogs were boiled, chili was made and the lemonade was made. One of the things that no chili dog should be without is shredded cheese. We purchased a 5 pound bag, but we were also concerned we would forget to take it out of the refrigerator before we left.

To prevent such a catastrophe from happening, my co-pastor’s wife made a sign with a drawing that said “cheese,” and hung it on the garage door. I laughed and commented that I would probably walk past the sign. She explained that it was hung at eye level for just such a reason.

I tell you this story today for two reasons. The first reason is that she dared me to write a Monday Morning Encouragement using the story of the cheese (this one’s for you Kim). Secondarily, there is a great truth in this story as well.

Romans 15:15 (NASB)
15 But I have written very boldly to you on some points, so as to remind you again, because of the grace that was given me from God…

One of the common traits we all have as people is the tendency to quickly forget things that are not right in front of us. We have all heard the saying: “Out of sight, out of mind.” As God moves powerfully in our lives we celebrate, but within a few days, weeks or months the distance of the divine has faded from view. Before long we are no longer affected by the memory of His work, unless we make an effort to remember.

Many of the Old Testament festivals and offerings were established for just such a purpose. Each memorial reminded the people of God working in their lives throughout time. These reminders were the building blocks of present and future faith. If we don’t set up reminders in our own lives, we too will be quick to forget and our faith will lack the strength for today’s challenges.

This week I encourage you to spend some time developing your own reminders. Take a good look at them; reflect on the events and circumstances that surrounded those times of your life. On a regular basis revisit those reminders and draw strength from them. Your walk of faith is incomplete without them (just like a chili dog with no cheese).

Until next Monday may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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