Monday, August 03, 2009

The Process of Discipline

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend.

Yesterday, my youngest son and my daughter continued to have “issues” with one another, which primarily revolved around sharing and kindness. My son didn’t want my daughter in his room, so his solution was to send our friend’s 3 year old daughter to tell my wife that my daughter was being a “brat.” At the same time, I hear my daughter saying: “Please give me another chance and don’t tell mom.” Needless to say the situation was getting ridiculous, so I intervened and with my intervention came disciplinary action.

The discipline took on a form that dealt with the issues being revealed in the actions. For the next two days, my son and daughter have to spend the day in each other’s room together. Monday they are confined to my daughter’s room and Tuesday they are confined to my son’s room. While they are there they have to clean each others room together. Last night they were also required to clean the kitchen and the backyard together.

Job 5:17 (NASB)
“Behold, how happy is the man whom God reproves, So do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.

When I left home as a young man, I assumed that my days of being disciplined had finally come to an end. Over the years I have learned that the process of discipline is life long. Just like my children, my actions often reveal attitudes and character weaknesses that need to be removed or strengthened. It is at these times that my Heavenly Father steps in and lovingly corrects me. He is not out to get me because I “messed up,” but instead He is in the process of building a son. It is important to Him that I be all that He has created me to be.

In all honesty, discipline is never enjoyable; however, in due time we look back and see the love and care that were at work in the discipline process. We become thankful that God loves us enough to guide us back on course when we need it. In due time my children will reflect back on the time they had to spend two days with each other in one another’s room…they will laugh at the foolishness of the actions that put them there and they will embrace the building of character that took place within them.

Today you may find yourself facing a time of discipline. Perhaps it is hardship that resulted from poor choices or a relationship under strain due to selfishness. Embrace the discipline of the circumstance and ask God to strengthen your character through it.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


1 comment:

Abia said...

The post is so interesting and informative. Yes, Discipline is the important thing for every one's life. Thank you for the information and experience you have shared.

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