Monday, April 04, 2005

Good morning! If you’re like me you are glad to see the sun out shining again. Today is the Pirates opening home game….spring is here (for the most part).

This morning I want to challenge you with the thought of being ready to encounter Jesus throughout your day.

Luke 12:40 (NLT)
You must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected."

As I was driving to the church yesterday morning, I was somewhat amused by the unprepared condition of the road crews for yesterday’s snow storm. The road crews were not expecting a large snowfall and ended up being caught of guard.

In our day to day routine, how many times do we get so busy that we fail to see Jesus working in our lives? Yet, Jesus wants to be a part of each and every day. He is looking for opportunities to drop in and reveal himself in a special way.

Sadly it is even possible to be so busy doing good things, religious activity and acts of service that we crowd Jesus out of the picture. As a pastor, there have been times that I have found myself getting so busy with the work of Jesus, that I miss Jesus completely.

Without having that intimacy with Jesus, our work for him becomes less than what it should be. We meet deep needs in others with shallow words and pointed advice, that while it may be Biblical, lacks the very compassion of Christ.

Today allow Jesus to interrupt your routine. Allow him to drop by for a visit. Spend your lunch hour with Him. Look for Jesus in your day. When this day is done reflect on the places that you’ve felt his touch and experienced his presence throughout this beautiful day.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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