Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Good morning! I hope you had an amazing weekend and are entering this week with enthusiasm and energy. This weekend was a great time for me and my oldest son Christopher as we spend the weekend together doing some site seeing here in Corpus Christi.

I am very excited as I write this week’s encouragement. I will be flying back to Pennsylvania in a few short hours to be reunited with the remainder of my family. We have been apart for 3 weeks now and we are ready to bring this chapter of separation to a close.

Today I want to focus on this thought of being reunited. Our lives are filled with constant distractions and temptations that drive a wedge between us and God. None of us ever set out to become isolated from God, but over time we tend to drift. And as we drift we grow farther apart from the closeness and intimacy we once had with God. A few days without prayer, turns into a few weeks and before long we have no prayer life. We miss a few church services and before you know it, we haven’t darkened the doors of a church in years.

So what do you do if you find that you’ve drifted away? Jesus gave the illustration of a son who left home and went his own way (the parable of the prodigal son). In this account the son goes his own way and squanders all of the talents, abilities and resources that his father has given him. Once he arrives at rock bottom, he realizes that being back with his father, even as a servant is better than the life he is now leading.

Many of us reach this point, but find ourselves trapped by fear. We wonder if we have crossed a line of no return with God. Are we now disqualified from his favor because of our choices? I have great news for you today; God always welcomes his children home with open arms.

Luke: 15:19 (HCSB)

So he got up and went to his father. But while the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him.

I’ve always visualized this verse in a unique way. I grew up in Kansas and had many friends who lived on farms. Most of their driveways were anywhere from ¼ to ½ mile from the road to the house. I always visualize this scene as the father standing at the end of that long driveway, looking down that country road for any signs of movement. Then one day he sees something…as he looks closer he sees it is young man. As the figure moves closer he sees his son and the father can’t help but to run. He grabs his son in his loving arms and at that moment the past is forgotten. The slate is wiped clean. Father and son are reunited.

Today you may find yourself separated from the closeness you once experienced with God. If that describes you, I want you to realize that God is standing at the edge of the road awaiting your return. If you will turn around and start back towards Him, I guarantee you will find Him running towards you with arms wide open.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


Monday, January 15, 2007

The Treasure of Friendship

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend and that your week is off to a great start.

Last week, I had the privilege of reconnecting with an old friend in Dallas. Even though we had not seen each other in nearly 10 years, we picked up right where we left off. The bond of friendship is an amazing thing; it can endure long absences and even the changing seasons of life.

Consider what the Bible says about friendship:

Proverbs 18:24 (NLT)
There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks
closer than a brother.

One of the greatest gifts God gives us in this life is our friendships. For those who take the time to cultivate strong friendships, the blessings are numerous.

My friend remembered many of our shared experiences that I had forgotten. In the week since he and I reconnected I have continued to chuckle over many of those memories.

Friendships are one of the few things that have the ability to last. Long after the school years are over or the job has ended, the relationships remain.

This week I want to challenge you to be intentional about building new friendships. Take the time to get to know someone…or simply to get to know them better. In the end your life will be enriched simply because they are your friend.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.

In Christ,

Thursday, January 11, 2007

How about a New Years Transformation?

Good afternoon! What an exciting week this has been for both me and my
family. After 1700 miles of driving I made it to Corpus Christi safely
with a busted exhaust system as my only casualty. Carol and the kids
finally made it here on Friday night after a hair raising experience
with the airline ticketing system. Last night I accepted the call at
Parkdale Baptist Church and today am starting to get settled in (hence
the reason your Monday Morning Encouragement didn’t arrive this

Today I want to challenge you with the thought of lasting change.
January is a time of promises as many of us make New Years commitments.
I heard on the radio this week that the 3 most widely made resolutions
are resolutions to:
• Quit smoking
• Go on a diet
• Exercise

The report went onto mention that the average New Years resolution only
lasts about 3-4 weeks before it is abandoned.

Today I want you to consider this idea of transformation.
Transformation is more than an outward change, but instead it is a
complete remodeling or overhaul that comes from within. Look at what
the Bible says about spiritual transformation:

Romans 12:2 (KJV)
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

The reason we so often fail at our resolutions is because we seek to
accomplish those changes in our own power. Unfortunately, our
strength is not an unlimited resource. At some point we grow weary
and we lose our passion. Transformation on the other hand doesn’t
rely on our strength, but instead draws from the very strength of God.
As we allow God’s strength to take over within us we begin to see the
world through His eyes and not our own. We find the will power, self
control and endurance that physically we lack.

Today you may see changes in your life that are necessary. I encourage
you to initiate change by placing those items in God’s hand. Ask Him
to change you from within and admit that on your own you cannot do it.
You will be amazed at how change begins to take place with an inner
strength and perseverance that you did not know was possible.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


Monday, January 01, 2007

2006 in the rearview mirror

Happy New Year!!! This morning 2006 is in the rear view mirror and we are headed down the highway of 2007.

For me, this New Year’s Day brings more than a change of the calendar year. Tomorrow I will fill my pickup truck with my clothes, most of my personal library, my old dog “Ginger” and with my car in tow (sounds like a bad country song doesn’t it?) I will start a 3 day trek to Corpus Christi, TX. For me this New Year brings about a new chapter in my personal and professional journey as I begin serving a new church family.

Over these next few days of driving I will spend a lot of time in reflection reflecting on where the journey has taken me to this point. This will be a time of celebrating the victories, appreciating the many people that God has placed into my life and evaluating the life lessons learned.

Experience is the classroom in which God shapes our lives. Our experiences, whether good or bad, shape us into the people we are today. Sadly, many people fail to fully recognize and appreciate all that the lessons of life have taught them.

Psalm 77:11 (NLT)

I recall all you have done, O Lord;

I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago.

This week I want to challenge you to take some time and reflect on the journey of 2006. Reflect on all of the places that your journey took you. What were the new experiences? Where did you find the unexpected blessings? What were the places of difficulty? Reflect on the people who were a part of the journey. Who had a lasting influence upon you? Who helped carry you through the difficult times? Reflect your achievements. What were your greatest victories? What were your greatest defeats? What things remain unaccomplished?

Once you’ve identified these things. Spend a few moments in prayer thanking God for the journey. Ask for His guidance in the year to come. As you look out the windshield at the highway of 2007 that is before you, open your eyes and anticipate the journey ahead.

Until next Monday may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.
