Sunday, November 25, 2007

Alternators, Wrenches and Other Life Lessons

Good morning! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with joy, laughter and a grateful heart.

This past Saturday I had the opportunity to partake in the time honored Willis tradition of teaching the next generation of Willis male how to perform vehicle maintenance. This weekend’s project was the removal and replacement of the alternator on my son’s small, late model Japanese import.

I would point to the different bolts and nuts. We would find the correct size socket and wrench for the particular bolt being tackled. Within a matter of hours we had removed and reinstalled his vehicle’s alternator. Sadly, his alternator was not the problem, so we chalked this one up to experience.

For me this exercise in father and son bonding brought back many memories. The year was 1985 and my dad had me out in the driveway with a book called “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Honda repair.” My dad helped me identify the bolts, the necessary tools and the proper order of removal. Those lessons of basic automotive repair have stayed with me through today, and they were the basis of my instruction this past weekend. Of course, my dad was involved too (he drew a diagram and had a step by step list for my son).

There is something to be said for wisdom that is passed down from generation to generation. Look at the following quote from the book of Job:

Job 8:10 (NLT)

But those who came before us will teach you. They will teach you from the wisdom of former generations.

Auto repair was only one of many things that were taught to me by my parents. Matters of faith, integrity, interpersonal relations, parenting and perseverance were taught daily by my parents. Many of these lessons they had learned from their parents and grandparents before them.

The joy for me is the knowledge that someday the roles will change. It will be my son or daughter looking over the shoulder of their child as they teach a skill or model a behavior. We sometimes forget just how much our influence will affect generations to come. Our great grandchildren may know very little about us, but they will know our values our skills and our talents that we have passed down.

So grab your wrenches. Get a little oil under your fingernails. You are doing more than repairing a vehicle…you are molding a new generation.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessing be yours this week.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend and have entered this week refreshed and energized.

This week, here in the United States, we will be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday. During Thanksgiving families traditionally come together to celebrate around the dinner table with a feast of turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. This meal is generally followed up with football games, naps in the easy chair and preparation for the Christmas sales on Friday.

Could it be that we’re missing something in all of this “tradition?” The roots of Thanksgiving have always been grounded in “thankfulness.” We live in a time of rampant consumerism where provision is taken for granted, but have you really considered the source of those provisions?

If it weren’t for the gift of life you wouldn’t even exist. The sunrise every morning, you don’t control it. The moonbeam, you don’t make it shine. If it weren’t for protection you might have been a statistic. If it weren’t for Jesus, you would not know God’s grace.

Colossians 2:7 (NLT)

Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done.

When you really stop to think about it, there is much to be thankful for. This week, I want to challenge you to do just that…think about it. Take an hour or so this week, get alone with a pen and paper in hand, and make a list of all that God has done for you this year. Then take time to say “thank you.” Make prayer a priority this year and not just a meal time blessing.

Thanksgiving without true gratitude is a contradiction.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Cultivating New Friendships

Good morning! I hope you had a restful weekend and have hit the ground running this morning.

I had the privilege this weekend of taking part in a men’s retreat near Leakey, TX. The retreat was designed with the purpose of helping men recharge their batteries as they connect with other men and more importantly with God.

One of the greatest outcomes of times like these is the development of new and long lasting friendships. A group of men start out as total strangers or simply casual acquaintances, but after spending a few hours together the bonds begin to develop.

Look at what the Bible says about friendship:

Proverbs 17:17 (NLT)

A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.

Our men’s retreat helped bring about this kinship of brothers. Some drove, others cooked, others cleaned, and still some organized games and competition. Each man worked side by side with other men for common purposes.

Men are not known for their openness and sensitivity. It takes these bonds of friendship to bring men to that level. It was exciting to watch this group of men bond and then open up as the days went by.

Today I encourage you to take inventory of your friendships. Are you taking the time to cultivate those deep and lasting relationships? If you find that you are lacking in friends, maybe it’s time to get away and put some time into cultivating some new ones.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


Monday, November 05, 2007

Maintaining Your Enthusiasm

Good morning! I hope you had a relaxing weekend and have started your week off with enthusiasm and energy.

Life can be so complicated at times. We set out wide-eyed and eager on the various journeys that we are called to, but inevitably the trials and tribulations come. Even the most optimistic and upbeat person can lose their enthusiasm if they are not careful to guard their heart.

Over the last several weeks I had found myself in just such a place. My awakening point, if you will, was an email from a dear friend who simply asked: “Where has your enthusiasm gone?” My friend continued to observe that I was adrift in a sea of negativity…and she was right!!! In a recent phone call with my mentor, I asked the question: “How do you keep moving forward when there is no wind left in your sails.” Before I give you the counsel of this wise man (he once told me that he is bald, because there is so much contained in his mind), I want to share this verse with you:

Ephesians 6:7 (NLT)

Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

My mentor gave me this same advice. He helped me to see that I was basing my enthusiasm on the response of others and not on the one for whom I work. To put it simply I was finding myself worn down by the response of others to the things the Lord is asking me to do. In reality, the only thing that truly matters is that I be faithful to His leading and put the response of others in His hands.

I already knew that I “perform” for an audience of One, but sometimes the divide between knowing it and living it can be expansive. I had to readjust my focus. I had to clarify who it is that I must please. The bottom line is…it is God!!! Wow, what a breakthrough….what a relief….what a burden lifted!!!

It is so much simpler when I focus solely on Him. I am finding a renewed excitement and enthusiasm. My focus is no longer on polls and approval ratings, but is instead back on the one I truly work for.

This week you may find that your enthusiasm is a bit lacking. I encourage you to take a few moments and refocus on who it is you truly work for. When you put your eyes back on him your work will become a joy and you will once again become exceedingly enthusiastic.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


Thursday, November 01, 2007


I use a service called Sermonspice to find videos and other supportive elements for my messages. Sermonspice can enhance any message.