Monday, February 12, 2007

Fear of the Unknown

Good morning! I hope you are feeling refreshed after your weekend and have hit the ground running this morning.

One of the greatest fears most of us face on a day to day basis is the fear of the unknown. Yet, we are often required to make decisions and choose directions without knowing the end result. Many chose never to move from the place they find themselves, because of the fear of what lies ahead. For the follower of Christ these circumstances become a time to exercise their faith muscles.

Hebrews 11:1 (HCSB)
Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.

So you may be asking yourself; “Where does faith come from?” Look at what the Bible has to say about the source of faith:

Romans 10:17 (HCSB)
So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message about Christ.

Faith is birthed in your relationship with Jesus. Ultimately faith is an issue of trust. To take steps into the unknown requires a high degree of trust in the one ordering your steps. Trust is built through relationship and experience. The more intimately I become acquainted with someone and the more I interact with that person, the greater my trust will become in them. I will base my trust on previous situations in which their guidance or support proved effective and appropriate.

In our relationship with God we are often asked to take steps of faith. If we only operated in the realm of what we could see or accomplish on our own, then we would never develop a deep reliance upon God in our lives. We would simply take the credit for everything that happens in our lives and we would rob God of the glory He is due. When God asks you to take steps of faith, His desire is twofold. First He is seeking to reveal new things about His character and His love for you. Secondarily, He wants to bring glory to Himself through your life, by building that high degree of trust. God is glorified in your life when you are doing much greater things than you could ever do on your own or when you are overcoming circumstances that seem impossible.

This week you may find yourself facing the unknown. I encourage you to change your perspective to a viewpoint of faith. Realize that God is asking you to take undefined steps, because He wants to develop a deeper relationship of trust and intimacy with you.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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