Monday, March 12, 2007

Rainy Days

Good morning! I hope you recharged your batteries this weekend and that your week is off to a great start. This week our local students are out for spring break. This is a time where students take a week off from the daily pressures of school to enjoy some downtime.

Many of the students will be disappointed today, because it has been raining throughout the morning. Rain never seems to come at opportune times, like just after you’ve washed your car.

Rain although not always convenient is always necessary. Look at the following scripture:

Psalm 147:8 (NIV)

He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.

Today I want to focus on rain. Not the meteorological kind of rain, but instead the rains of life. It has been said that “in each life a little rain must fall.” This statement is very true, and yet minimizes the truth. Life doesn’t just come with a little rain, but sometimes it comes with storms and torrential downpours.

So why do we go through these rainstorms of life? Notice in the verse I quoted above that grass grows on the hills because of the rain. Ultimately the rains come into your life to make your life more fertile for the blessings of God. Today I want to focus on a the rains that may be in your life today.

It is important to remember that rain softens the soil. Growing up in Kansas and Oklahoma, I can remember seeing the ground during times of drought. The soil would crack and these cracks would run deep. The crops in the fields would begin to burn and turn brown. The soil was hard and could not be easily tilled or plowed, but when the rains came the soil was transformed. The ground would become soft and pliable. It was easily tilled and the crops flourished. The roots were nurtured by new found sustenance and from the ground the crops drew life.

You see some of the rains we encounter in life are sent to deal with the hardness in our hearts. The rains come to soften the rough edges in our life. God uses these times to make the soil of our hearts fertile for His purposes. As our hearts begin to soften they become pliable and are easily molded. The softening of our heart allows for greater nurture and spiritual health.

This morning you may have awoken to a rain cloud pouring down in your life. If this is true, take heart, be thankful that the rain has come. God is working to soften and mold you, so that your life will be abundantly fruitful.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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