Monday, October 10, 2005

Monday Morning Encouragement - October 10, 2005

Good morning! Have you ever been through a time in your life, perhaps you’re going through it now, where everything that could go wrong seems to go wrong? I know I have had those times when I am almost afraid to ask what next, because of what might happen next.

For me the years 2001-2003 defined one of those times. During those two years we lost our home in a deadly tornado, we moved 1200 miles from family to take on a troubled church, we suffered a financial disaster, a business failure, suffered the miscarriage of a child and faced multiple personal attacks. On top of all of those major ordeals we also had the boiler go out in our home, non-stop auto repairs and the normal headaches of life.

I remember absolutely being overrun with anxiety, fear, doubt and worry at every turn. The last thing I wanted to ask was “what next?” The price was getting high enough. During those times God sustained me with my favorite chapter of the Bible, Psalm 34. This chapter of scripture has been so meaningful to me that during this time I even wrote a book about it, just to remind myself of God’s faithfulness.

Today I want to share verses 18 and 19 with you. Verse 19 is my favorite verse in scripture.

Psalm 34:18-19 (NLT)
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
he rescues those who are crushed in spirit.

[19] The righteous face many troubles,
but the Lord rescues them from each and every one

When you are at your weakest, most vulnerable hours...God is nearest to you. I am often reminded of this thought: I would not know the depths of God’s love, if I hadn’t been in the depths of despair. I would not know God as a healer if I had not been in need of healing. I would not know God as a sustainer if I had not been hungry. I would not know God as a comforter if I had not known sorrow. I would not know God as a provider if I had not been without provision.

It is true, even when we try to walk the path of righteousness, trouble will always be a part of the journey. But God is faithful and He “rescues” us from each and every one. Today if you are facing devastating circumstances, remember that God hears your cry. His loving arms are there to embrace you and give comfort. Reflect upon your past adversities and remember how God brought you through them. In time this trouble too will pass and you will look back and see where God carried you through these current difficulties.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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