Monday, October 31, 2005

Monday Morning Encouragement - October 31, 2005

Good morning! Today I want to talk with you about the importance of considering your actions.

A little over 10 years ago I went to work as a Deputy Sheriff with the Ford County Sheriff’s Office in Dodge City, Kansas. The Sheriff, being an elected official, appointed me as one of his personal representatives in enforcing the laws and statutes of the state of Kansas. When I was on duty, the markings on my vehicle, the patches on my shoulders and the badge on my chest identified me with Sheriff Arlyn Leaming.

Ultimately the professionalism, or lack thereof, of my fellow Deputies and I would reflect personally on Arlyn. His success at the voting booth every 4 years was determined by the professionalism and skill demonstrated by those of us who represented him on the streets. We could either be a source of joy and honor for him or a source of shame.

The Bible speaks of this same type of issue when it comes to our actions and how they reflect upon God. Consider for a moment the following verse from the gospel of Matthew:

Matthew 5:16 (NKJV)

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Those who know me know that I am a Christian and a Pastor. They hear me talk about my faith and they see my car parked up at the church. By my words and my actions I have marked myself as standing for Christ. My actions bring either honor or dishonor the name of Jesus. One of the greatest black eyes the “church” community has given itself is the reputation of being “hypocrites.” People have heard us preach and teach in one direction, but then watched many “Christians” live their lives in complete contradiction. Studies tell us that the incidents of most of the morality issues found in society are also found in equal proportion in the “Christian” church. We as people have not committed to live our lives as set apart and it shows.

Today we are faced with a multitude of ethical and moral choices each and every day. The choice we make in each of these circumstances has the potential to bring honor to God in the eyes of man or to bring dishonor to God in the eyes of man.

When faced with these choices it is critical that we ask these types of questions: Who is watching? Would this action cause them to question the sincerity of my faith? Would this action create a barrier or hindrance to their personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Does this action bring glory to God?

Like or not the world is watching you. Your actions are scrutinized and evaluated each and every day. Today commit your steps before the Lord so that His light may shine brightly in your life.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.

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