Monday, June 05, 2006

Monday Morning Encouragement

Good morning! This morning I am writing to you from Oklahoma City where I am visiting with family.

As a pastor, one of the things that you don’t get to do very often is go to “church” and see things from the viewpoint of a parishioner, so when I am on vacation I look forward to those opportunities.

Yesterday, I had the unique privilege of attending the inaugural service of the internet campus of Lifechurch. Lifechurch is known as one of the most innovative churches in the country, using satellite technology to take the church to multiple locations. Their ministry has been life transforming and the church continues to see the blessings of God upon their ministry.

Something that struck me as I participated in this online church service was the idea of taking risks. This blessing for me yesterday came about because someone had been willing to take a risk. The history of Lifechurch is a story of taking faith risks.

Often times, however we miss out on God’s blessings because we are fearful of what a step of faith might bring. We become paralyzed by the “what if” scenarios of the mind.

Look at what happened when the Israelites were paralyzed by fear:

Deuteronomy 1:28 (NLT)

How can we go on? Our scouts have demoralized us with their report. They say that the people of the land are taller and more powerful than we are, and that the walls of their towns rise high into the sky! They have even seen giants there—the descendants of Anak!'

God had promised the Israelites victory and deliverance of the promised land and yet they were paralyzed by stories of “giants in the land.” Ultimately it would cost the Israelites another generation of wandering in the desert.

Think with me for a moment about all of the technological and medical advances that make your life better. What if Thomas Edison hadn’t taken a risk? What if Henry Ford hadn’t taken a risk? What if Dr. Jonas Salk hadn’t taken a risk? What if Bill Gates hadn’t taken a risk?

The reason most of us don’t venture out in faith is fear. Fear of failure. Fear of ridicule. Most of all we fear the unknown. We become comfortable in our comfort zones and the thought of getting outside of those boundaries is paralyzing.

Lifechurch took a risk yesterday and by the conversations online after the service, the risk has already paid off. Many lives will be touched and many will receive the teaching of a church, because someone was willing to take a risk.

Today you may be at a crossroads of faith. I encourage you to trust in God’s guidance and step out in faith with Him.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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