Monday, April 16, 2007

People who get on your nerves

Good morning! I hope you had a restful weekend and that you have hit the ground running this morning.

Do you know anybody that is argumentative? It doesn’t matter what the topic of conversation may be, they are going to turn it into an argument. If you say blue, they say red. If you say hot, they say cold. So how do you deal with people who are difficult to get along with…much less love?

In Paul’s letter to the young pastor Timothy these words are recorded:

2 Timothy 2:24 (NLT)

The Lord's servants must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone. They must be able to teach effectively and be patient with difficult people.

Now let’s be honest, some of us, myself included, enjoy a good verbal jousting session from time to time, but generally my enjoyment of these interactions depends on how full of myself I am that day. Truthfully though, rarely is there any positive outcome to these sessions of quarreling. I have made it a personal rule of thumb for many years now that I will not conduct theological debates with people. I may be able to present stellar arguments, but in the end I will rarely change anyone’s theological position and most of the time it simply drives a wedge.

The truth is quarrels don’t draw people closer together, but instead they pull people apart. When we make kindness the order of the day we are making a conscious decision to take the high road with everyone. When we choose to bestow kindness on others, we acknowledge their value as a person. Over time kindness can break through even the toughest of hearts.

When we choose this high road of kindness it makes this final instruction of patience much easier. Remember that your interactions with difficult people are character shaping moments in your own life. When you place value on another then you are willing to extend much more grace and mercy than you might otherwise. For me the rule has been this…every person I meet is someone that Jesus died for. By remembering that the ground is level at the foot of the cross, I recognize the fact that I am no better than anyone else.

Today you may be surrounded by difficult people. Appreciate their uniqueness, take a deep breath and extend a refreshing dose of kindness.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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