Monday, June 25, 2007

Fresh Eyes

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend.

One of the greatest challenges in our life is the challenge of familiarity. To give you a better idea of what I mean, let me give you a few examples. You have a crack that runs along the ceiling in your house. That crack has been there for the last 5 years. You are now familiar enough with it that you don’t even notice its presence, however; a first time visitor to your home notices this same crack right away.

Let me give you another example. A person who has pets in their home no longer notices the smell of fur and pet dander, but a first time visitor notices it immediately.

Familiarity numbs the senses. This also happens spiritually. We allow certain things into our lives on a regular basis that harm us spiritually. Over time we get used to these things, so they no longer prick our conscience.

Fortunately for us, as we spend time in God’s presence He gives us His vision and we begin to see our lives in a new way:

Isaiah 42:7 (NLT)

You will open the eyes of the blind and free the captives from prison. You will release those who sit in dark dungeons.

When we see through God’s eyes, the cracks, flaws and shortcomings are more readily visible. We once again smell the stench of old habits and we become keenly aware of issues in our lives that need to be dealt with.

This week I want to challenge you to pray along these lines. Ask the Lord to give you a fresh viewing of your life. Take note of the cracks in the foundation and the smells in the corner. As these things become apparent to you take time to confess those before the Lord. Even people need a thorough cleaning every now and then.

Until next Monday may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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