Sunday, January 11, 2009

Trusting Your Guide

Good morning! I hope you had a terrific weekend.

Last week I went on a deep sea fishing charter in the Gulf of Mexico with my wife. After 2 hours of travelling across the water, our captain brought the boat to a stop and told us to let our lines out 80-90 feet.

Within a matter of moments the words “fish on” were heard up and down the deck. Fishing rods were seen bending and bouncing as our enthusiastic group of amateur anglers began reeling in their catch. Before long large game fish were seen coming out of the water and onto the deck. Before the day was over we had reached our limit of King Mackerel and Atlantic Sharpnose Shark.

The success of the trip had nothing to do with our skill, ingenuity or hard work. The real determinant of our productivity was the wisdom of our charter captain. He was the one who knew the waters, the behavior of the fish and the right fishing techniques. Without his guidance the outcome of our journey would have been much different. Our day to day lives are really not that different either.

John 21:6 (NASB)
And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you will find a catch .” They cast therefore, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish.

In many ways our success in life is more about our dependency upon the Lord’s direction and less about our talents. When we trust His guidance to the right prospect, conversation or client, we see our efforts multiplied exponentially. Unfortunately, too many times we become overly confident in our own skills and abilities. We assume we have grown beyond the need for guidance, only to find in the lean times, that we need guidance more than ever.

Because God sees the past, present and future, he has perspective that you and I do not. He sees the storms, the mountains and valleys that affect our journey. He knows where the bounty is located and how to grab hold of it. Our only responsibility is to follow his lead. It is when we trust in him with all of our heart, leaning not on our own understanding, that we experience the limits of his abundance.

This week you may be wondering why the journey is taking so long. You may be unsure of why you have been given the tools that are currently in your hand. It is at these times that you rely upon the wisdom of God as your guide, knowing that he is leading you to the fullness of his blessing.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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