Sunday, March 01, 2009

When All Becomes New

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend.

This past Thursday my co-pastor and his wife welcomed their second child into the world. It has been 7+ years since we last had a baby in our lives, so it has been fun watching the commotion around this little fellow. Eyes opening slowly to look around, fingers curling and uncurling, legs extending and bending all displaying the newness of life.

This got me to reflecting on one of my favorite descriptions of life in Christ:

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NASB)
Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

Take a moment to close your eyes and ponder this question: “What would it mean in your life for all things to become new?” Imagine a life where there was no past mistake, error in judgment, criminal record, first marriage, etc… Imagine for a minute that you had not been burned before, wounded by a friend or stepped on thoughtlessly. Imagine a carefree existence where only the future lay ahead, because the past has been put to rest.

I think if each of us is honest there are some things we would like another opportunity to do correctly, some pain we would like to altogether avoid and some guilt we would rather not be saddled with. All too often it is our experiences that are allowed to define us. The promise of this scripture is simple…today is a new day.

Christ expunged our sin record with His blood. What we do with that freedom today is our choice. We can both explore and experience the freedom of that newness or we can allow the past to hold us forever in its captivity.

Today if you are weighed down by the baggage of days gone by, I encourage you to try being a little infantile today. Open your eyes and look around at what has changed in your world. Stretch your fingers out towards the hand of God and enjoy the freedom of motion that He has blessed you with.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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