Sunday, July 17, 2005

Monday Morning Encouragement - July 18, 2005

Good morning! This past week I went to see my doctor for a routine check up. She checked my weight, blood pressure, pulse rate and breathing. These regular check ups are important for maintaining optimum physical health and identifying potential problems before they become major health issues.

Most of us don’t give a second thought to a regular medical check up, but what about a spiritual check up? Are you taking time to evaluate your spiritual health? We should take seriously the condition of our relationship with God. The only way to evaluate our true condition is to allow God to examine our heart.

Psalm 139:23 (NLT)
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts.

I want you to focus on the word “search.” A search is a deep, probing for things that are hidden from view. The thought behind this word would be the idea of searching for survivors in a pile of rubble with your bare hands. When we allow God to search us, we give Him permission to burrow down beneath the surface superficiality and to expose the depths of our soul.

Many of us try to compartmentalize our heart. We limit God’s access to certain areas of our lives in an effort to protect our selfish desires and pet sins. Many of us justify the condition of our heart by excusing these sinful compartments as “isolated” sins. You’ve heard it before...”I’m a good person, I just have a.....(bad temper, foul mouth, etc...)” Who are we trying to kid. If I have one cancerous tumor I’m a cancer patient....period.

Anyone can avoid an honest health evaluation by simply never going to the doctor for an examination. But if you are will still be sick, even though you haven’t allowed anyone to tell you.

Most people never allow God to search their heart, because they are afraid of what God might pinpoint. If you had cancer you would want the doctor to do whatever he could to remove that cancer from your body, shouldn’t it be the same with sin? God wants you to become more and more Christ like each and every day.

This week I encourage you to allow God to search your heart. Make Psalm 139:23 your prayer. As God reveals issues in your life, confess those things before Him and feel the burden of sin lift as God’s forgiveness envelopes you.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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