Sunday, November 05, 2006

Keep on Truthing

Good morning! I hope you had a great weekend and have started your week refreshed and energized.

This week is mid-term election week. The weekend football games were simply bookends for the political advertisements. With all of the political rhetoric it is often difficult to distinguish truth from a lie.

Our society is permeated with mistruths, stretched truth, fabrications and outright lies. In my care group this week one of our ladies made the comment that even when others are lying we should continue “truthing.” It is with this thought today that I want to urge you to “keep on truthing.”

Proverbs 11:3 (NLT)

Good people are guided by their honesty; treacherous people are destroyed by their dishonesty.

Honesty is a quality we all expect from others, but sadly we are willing to settle for situational truth. Unfortunately when honesty is not the priority the aftermath can be devastating. Deception fosters an environment of animosity, resentment and hostility.

One of the greatest ways to stand apart from the crowd is to simply practice honesty in everything you do. In a world where integrity is rarely seen, people take notice when the tongue in your mouth and the tongue in your shoes are moving in the same direction. People will go great distances for those they trust and have full confidence in.

Ultimately, your integrity is a reflection of your faith. When you make honesty a priority, others see the glory of Christ reflected in your life. When honesty is not your priority, you betray the testimony of your faith, rendering it powerless and void.

Honesty is not always easy, but in the long run your honesty will stand out in a world of compromise. This week I want to challenge you to make honesty your personal police of practice. When given the opportunity to choose between truth and lie, I encourage you to make choice to “keep on truthin.”

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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