Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bubbles on the surface

Good morning! I hope you had a relaxing weekend and have hit the week with your batteries recharged.

A few months ago, I began to notice something happening to the paint on my truck. On the top of the fender a bubble and a crack had appeared. I began to look around the truck…bottom of the tailgate, bottom of the doors, wheel wells….more bubbles.

A little sanding revealed the terrible truth, years of road salt had taken a corrosive hold on my truck. What had previously been hidden under layers of paint and clear coat was now exposed.

A similar thing happens within the life of a person. Notice what the Bible says:

Mark 4:22 (NLT)
"Everything that is now hidden or secret will eventually be brought to light.

No matter how adept we think we are at pushing down and burying the problems of our life, at some point the evidence of those things will rise to the surface. Bubbles and cracks will begin to form in our calm, cool and collected façade. The pain of our past hurts, the darkness of our deep rooted bitterness or the anger of our unforgiving spirit begins to show. With a little rubbing and friction the ravages of our soul are exposed.

Today, I want to encourage you to examine your exterior for the bubbles of hidden sin, unresolved anger or forgiveness withheld. As you locate those bubbles, ask God to reveal root cause and let Him begin the process of restoration and healing.

Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week.


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